Sifu T. Beckett is helping me out. She's been giving me some really great ideas, and really, its not as hard as I thought it would be. I enjoy so many other things, I'm just revisiting foods that I haven't had for a long time like spaghetti squash, spinach, etc. Even so, I really do have a whole new respect for people who choose this lifestyle. I went to a major restaurant chain while in Vernon, B.C and from the entire menu I only had two options. Sometimes, you don't even have two. Geez, I would have thought that restaurants would have caught on to the trend and would start offering more alternatives to meat.
I'm slightly worried though. I have been abnormally tired for the last couple weeks. It seems no matter how much sleep I get, I'm still tired during the day. The hardest thing I do everyday is get out of bed. I don't know the specifics, but I'm suspecting the lack of protein may be part of the cause. I've been eating cottage cheese (yes, I actually like the stuff now) eggs and tofu often, but not as often as I would have eaten meat. I don't know. Maybe its just a coincidence.