Monday, December 28, 2009


So, I went and did something I was not planning on doing. I played the little birdy on Wednesday, and Sifu Brinker managed to convince me to join UBBT 7, which I had no intention of doing. But, now that I have, I'm happy about it. No quitting and no going back, right? So, wish me luck and sweat. Sifu Brinker, you're gooood.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Work in Progress

So, I do believe I can claim the title of worst Body-For-Life participant. I don't think I've hit 6 meals yet this week, or even last week now that I think about it. Still, I've been paying attention to what I eat, focusing on protein and carbs as required, and throwing in as many veggies as I can. I'm out of cottage cheese- this is a crisis as I have been relying on it to be a quick straight-from-the-container meal. I'm out of the shakes, which means I haven't been getting in the first meal of the day. I haven't had breakfast during the week for the last how many years, so getting into the habit now is a work in progress. I'm slowly getting better with the entire routine, so I figure that if I keep at it I'll get it down eventually and can write something a little more inspiring for everybody.

And living with a skinny Ukrainian isn't helping...
That should be an oxymoron.