Tuesday, July 12, 2011


I have two friends who are leaving today for the UK to compete in something called Mongol Rally 2001, "16,000km of adventuring bliss through deserts, mountains and steppe tackled in a tiny car your Granny would use for shopping. The Mongol Rally is hurling yourself at 1/3 of the Earth’s surface in woefully unsuitable vehicles to see what happens".

I have to say kudos to them for taking up something like this, where there are no prizes for first or last, only an opportunity to raise money for charity and a chance to travel across multiple countries where no one knows who you are and you know nothing about.

I wish I had the courage to do something like this. They're leaving behind their friends and family for two months, and I'm sure they will come home if not with an accent, with many new expressions and stories.

Its amazing. Good luck to you guys!

If anyone is interested, their website, built by Steve (one of the two guys going) is http://silentnoise.ca/mongolrally/

Monday, July 4, 2011


I admit, very little has been accomplished over the last two months, June specifically. All my numbers are suffering, my training has suffered and as Sifu Brinker has recently posted, guilt is setting in.

Hopefully July will be the turning point. Things have cleared up, my family is back to some degree of normalcy and I've finally put in a full work week, the first since May. Mind you, it was a long weekend, so technically I only worked 4 days. Oh, and I had to leave early on Monday.

Regardless, I miss training, both the physical movement and the family feeling, and all the mojo that comes with walking into the kwoon. I'm looking forward to Friday.