Wednesday, February 29, 2012

A Bug, But Definitely Not the Lovebug

Well, I caught whatever bug was going around our office. No fun. Been down going on two days, but I'll be heading to class in a few minutes regardless. I hate the feeling of being medicated, but I haven't been able to drag myself off the couch otherwise. Wish me luck, and I'll do my best not to share.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

It Couldn't Be Done

Believe it or not, I'm reading a chapter called "Dealing with Procrastination" in a book called Productivity Power. At the end of the chapter (which is only 5 pages long, guess the writer figured he'd better get to the point before we decided to put it off for a while) is a poem, which I'm going to quote here.

It Couldn't Be Done by Edgar A. Guest

Somebody said that it couldn't be done,
But he with a chuckle replied.

That "maybe it couldn't", but he would be one
Who wouldn't say so till he'd tried.

So he buckled right in with the trace of a grin
On his face. If he'd worried, he hid it.

He started to sing as he tackled the thing
That couldn't be done, and he did it.

Somebody scoffed "Oh, you'll never do that;
At least no one has ever done it."

But he took off his coat and he took off his hat,
And the first thing we knew, he'd begun it.

With a lift of his chin and a bit of a grin,
Without any doubting or quiddit.

He started to sing as he tackled the thing
That couldn't be done, and he did it.

There are thousands to tell you it cannot be done,
There are thousands to prophesy failure;

There are thousands to point out to you, one by one,
The dangers that wait to assail you.

But buckle in with a bit of a grin,
Just take off your coat and go to it;

Just start to sing as you tackle the thing
That "cannot be done" and you'll do it.

I like it. I plan on working "quiddit" into my daily vocabulary too.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

He Also Found the Milk in the Pantry Once

I don't really have anything specific to write about, so this is going to be a montage of things I've thought about over the last week or so.

I was just outside looking at the stars. I know we learn about stars and planets in school, but it doesn't really hit home about the size of this place until you're looking up at the sky and go, woah.

Animals are smarter than we realize. Chloe was staring at me from the floor, but as soon as I gave her a nod she jumped right up on the couch beside me. Have you heard that gophers have the most sophisticated language next to us?

Alternating from regular push ups to tricep push ups can leave you stranded on the floor.

Zombies are real. I watched Nick try to wake up at 3am this morning (had to be at work for 5). I went back to sleep.

When a rock is coming toward your windshield, I dare you not to duck. Now that's instinct in action.

A student asked me "when your doing a high rising block, what is your other arm doing?". I don't think anyone else in the room understood why I got so excited. Oh the teaching possibilities.

Several months ago, our coffee creamer went missing. After 3 days, Nick found it in the microwave. This is a good indication that I really need to practice "Where am I? What am I doing?" more often.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Traded Sand for Snowflakes

I'm back at work. I'm glad to be home, glad to be back at classes and such, but I really do miss the beach and not having to wake up at 5am. Took the dogs for a walk on Sunday since I'm not hiking and wandering Hawaii anymore. I learned it's easy to wrack up miles when you're in a tropical climate. Not so much here, with colder weather and icy roads, and no beach to wander down.

I still have my tan though. Proof that warmer weather exists!

Oh, I wanted to post this picture with my last post, but I couldn't figure out my iPad. Congrats to my brother and his lovely new wife!

Saturday, February 4, 2012


Right now I'm in Hawaii, and I have to say I know the weather there has been nice, but the weather here is great! Sorry, I just had to get that out of the way.

My brother got married two days ago. It was beautiful, married on the beach just after sunrise. My big brothers all grown up now..

I haven't forgotten about the I Ho Chuan. I can't say I've kept up with everything, but I'm making sure I don't fall so far behind that I can't catch up again in a couple weeks. I tried to build up a cushion before I left, but sadly it wasn't big enough.

See you next week.