Friday, November 30, 2012

The Gravy on the Side, Not the Meal

So I had a scare last week, and it sure put things in perspective for me. I've been working diligently on my Tai Chi, and I'm happy that I can see progress, but when I had a fellow student come up to me and say "so your degree grading is this weekend, eh?" I had a mini freak out. No, it wasn't last weekend, but the thought shook me up. This thing can happen at any time, and I need to be perpetually ready for it. The time I have now needs to be icing on the cake, not the bake time. It needs to be the cherry, not the split. You get my meaning.

I feel happy with my Tai Chi (but it still needs work), but now I'm scared I've let other things slide. I had Mastery memorized at one point, but I've let it fade. I was working on fixing some areas in Lao Guar, but I don't think I've practiced them enough to make the changes mine. And I haven't picked up my spade in a month. Ak.

With everything going on, my own training is slipping. And this is bad.

Monday, November 19, 2012

I Am Happy

I've started my 2013 requirements recently, and no I haven't completed most of my 2012 requirements. I don't have the time, but I'm making the time anyways.

A big one that I'm starting, struggling with but starting, is cutting back coffee. I know it doesn't seem like a big deal to most, but to me its huge. Since I started university, coffee has been my emotional blanky- if I'm tired it perks me up, if I'm stressed it relaxes me, if I'm cold it warms me, if I'm mad it calms me and if I'm sick it soothes me. And this is just for starters. Now do you understand why I have resisted so much in the past? And yes, I'm sipping my coffee right now, as I type about how amazing it is and how I'm cutting it out. Not completely, just reducing it to one cup a day instead of one pot or more.

The other new requirement I've started is a journal- a private gratitude journal with a twist. When I was younger I was fairly artistic, something that I miss now and enjoyed then. Gratuity is something we can all use more of, therefore I've combined these two ideas. For example, a couple weeks ago, when I got home from class the snow was falling gently, it was dead silent and beautiful. I just stood there, under the dim streetlight and watched it fall, trying to see the individual flakes for what they were- beautiful. It was the kind of thing that just made me happy to be alive, made me breathe and as Sifu puts it, to recognize where I was and what I was doing. So, my second journal entry was a picture of snow, crisp and beautiful. The first entry was simply "My Art Journal", written pretty with pretty things around it. The fact that I live a life that allows me to have the time and resources to dedicate to making pretty pictures on paper- thats pretty amazing in itself.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Part II- In Theatres Soon

Part II of Operation Pistachio will be deployed tonight... I'll update as to how it goes. Or maybe the poor soul I'm targeting will provide us with some insight to its reception & possession.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Walls, Doors, Tables- You Name It, I've Hit It

So it seems to me that I've hit a wall. Hit and bounced back 20' and landed on my butt to be exact. I've been trying to apply everything that Sifu Brinker mentions in our class, but it seems that each fix I make 30 new problems result. I know this is the way it always goes, but it's more pronounced now that I've been turning my focus to Tai Chi. Not saying there's a tie, but maybe?

The climax was last Friday- not only was I having problems in our forms, I couldn't even maintain my balance. At one point I even stumbled forward from a cat stance- obviously my center was off, my weight distribution was off and my alignment was off. That would be fine, except that I've been practicing the cat stance for nearly 20 years and you'd think my body would have learned by now. Sifu has been mentioning our side kicks, and I realized I'm the biggest offender. He mentioned keeping the shoulders out of the picture, and I'm a perfect picture of shoulder chaos. What is happening?

However, the silver lining came from the forms seminar. I noticed that many of the corrections I was making directly applied to myself- I could see in my student everything I was striving for in my own forms, and it gave me back some degree of confidence. I don't think Sifu Brinker realized, but the two of us were a perfect match- her problems were my problems and I could see them plain as day. I hope that the corrections I gave her were helpful, and I know for sure that teaching the corrections and explaining what needed to happen helped me understand why it wasn't happening in me.

I'm now going to move forward from here, and figure out how to get things working for me again. I physically cannot get my shoulders to relax, and after both Sifu Dennis and now Sifu Brinker asked me why are you so tense, are you injured? its time I get my body fixed. And no, no injuries. Just crabby muscles. I run into walls everyday (literally) but this is so much harder to shake off.