Friday, June 27, 2014

Lately I've been feeling sad and worried and concerned, and I really don't know what to do about it. Talking and blogging hasn't seemed to solved anything, in fact I think it might be chasing some away. I don't know.

I find myself extremely worried about many people on this team. It seems like this years low it approaching rock bottom and many are dropping off, dropping out or debating quitting all together. Why? What is happening to you all that's making you even consider such a rash action?

I know there are injuries abound, but why would you let them run your life so fully? Yes, shoulders and backs are a huge part of everyday life,but why let it limit you so fully? If you can't to a push up or raise a weapon above your head, then don't. If you can't do one thing then don't do that one thing. But it's like Sifu Brinker says, the point of practice and drills is so you have a bounty of option, one door slams in your face but you always have dozens of windows still open.

Injuries, although they suck, can be viewed as a blessing if you choose to see it that way. If your shoulders are busted up, make it your goal to be the best with your legs. Build up another area of your training that you would have normally let drift. If everyone with a serious injury had just quit, none of us including me would still be around.

I know many of us are going through some very serious, very crippling things in our lives. I'm telling you, so am I. At this very moment, so am I, and although I have yet to share this with you all it does not meant I am not leaning on you all when I need to. Several months ago I needed to and the team had my back (even though few were aware). I'm pleading with you all, I need you now and I'm scared the team is going to crumble with the slightest pressure.

When things get rough, Silent River has been my rock and go to place for comfort and support. This has not changed for me. Not once did it occur to me to quit over something in my life that went horrible wrong, besides when the horribly wrong was my attitude and perspective. Take a breath, all of you, and please, think on this post.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

How Are You All?

So where is everyone at? There are a handful of y'all that I see and hear from regularly, and there are a handful that I don't usually see and who are awfully quiet out there in cyberspace.

Only two people responded to my last post, which kind of saddened me. But, to the two of you who did contact me, I have not forgotten my promise and I will give you as much time as I can and as much help as you want from me. Not that I'm an expert in your weapons or forms, but I've been around the block and can at least give you some guidance, if you two want it. Thanks you two you're helping me stay engaged as well. It's what I need.

Ms. Gibbons, Mr. Smid, Mr. Sand and Sihing Chervenka; where have you four been hiding my entire I Ho Chuan life? Well done to the three of you! I know you guys feel frustrated and feel like everything is a struggle, but the whole point of this mastery project is to hit roadblocks and hardships and find your way slowly though them. You guys have spoken up about them AND are publicly doing something about it. Be it post your numbers or encourage others to get together and get stuff done. Thank you guys.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

"With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility" - Uncle Ben

This post is not going to be about me or my progress or my struggles or my dogs. I want to use this post as a way to reach out to all of you. I know that some of us are struggling, some of us are frustrated and some of us feel in a rut due to work or injury or schedule. I know this, so don't try to deny it.

If you are any of the above please contact me. I want to extend my services such as they are to you. Use my knowledge or my ear or my great smile, whatever I have I offer to you. I don't know if I have the solution or the answer but I know I can help even if it's in the teensiest way. My cell number is (780)446-9625. My email is My facebook profile is under Khona Rybak, there aren't that many Khonas so I should be easy to find. I live at Sandy Lake. Contact me, find me, text me, phone me.

If you don't I will assume it's because of one of the following reasons;
1. You don't read my blog, in which case I'm hurt. I thought I was somewhat entertaining.
2. You know you're in the above group but are content with it. In which case... I don't know what to say.

So whatever you need, please ask it of me. Long email, chat over coffee (or tea, or water), quick text. I want to help.