Tuesday, August 5, 2014


The art of kung fu, the art that we are learning, is over two thousand years old. Its been through every challenge and test through time, who are we to think we know better?

I've been asked many times why I haven't branched out, why I'm still at Silent River. It's because of the integrity of the school and its leaders. I've been asked to grade and award the rank of black for students who did not want to go through the process under Sifu Brinker. I refused and will continue to refuse because I believe the line would then be broken and the rank I would award would be meaningless to the individual who received it. Not because I think I'm a poor black belt, but because I have respect for the process I went through an understand its reason. To skip the process would render it worthless.

It is a tough process. But so is university, so is building a career. In each of these the process is what it's about, learning skills and the ability to apply knowledge. I see kung fu as the same. The time it takes to train, learn a form, paint a bridge. It all works to increase our abilities and our knowledge. It works to train our bodies how to move and our minds how to open. To lose the process would mean losing the skills. It would be receiving a degree without attending the courses. What good is that really, other than to have a shiny piece of paper to hang on the wall? We are all willing to invest time to ensure a steady flow of cash. It seems that to many it's harder to invest in our own well being, for reasons I can't fathom.

The integrity of this school we are all apart of is what keeps it strong and thriving and is what allows us as students to thrive as well. If you're drifting, don't let yourself continue to fall away. Come back to this place, it will always be welcoming and doesn't judge. That is one of the reasons I love this place so much, because Lord knows I've been adrift too.