Tuesday, March 21, 2017


This morning I saw a video about millennials. Most of the time if I hear this phrase my hackles get up in arms and I resent anyone who groups me into this category. However, this guy explains exactly what the issues are regarding the new generation and, more importantly, the why and how we got here. Using his timeframe I just barely fit into the category. And, although I'm hopeful that I am not as he describes, I can see the truth in what he is saying.

I imagine not everyone will agree with the point of view here, but it is worth a listen to if you have the time. Either way times are changing, some for the better and some for the worse, and it will be knowledge or lack thereof that leads us through or holds us back.

Simon Sinek- The Millennial Question

Sunday, March 12, 2017

My Universe in a Nutshell

First, seems to me that we have a few very strong new members on the team this year. Makes me think we should have recruited them years ago. And makes me excited to see what we'll be able to accomplish this year.

Second, to answer your question Sifu Lindstrom, yes. I've hit that time of the year where my documentation is slipping. It isn't gone completely however it's sputtering. Perhaps just writing this and throwing it out there will be enough to kickstart it again. Hopefully anyways.

I'm enjoying the spear form Sifu Beckett is teaching me. It's challenging without becoming a burden and I feel happy with a spear in my hands. I couldn't say that about any of the other weapons I've dabbled with. Perhaps it's my turn to find my true love?

I'm also enjoying my living room Tai Chi, although I haven't been spending as much time with it as I would like. Life is a juggling act and I find some days that you just have to let a ball hit the floor in order to keep the rest going.

Anyways, all in all I'm in a better headspace than the last few blogs I put out into the ether. Even despite daylight savings stealing an hour from me.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Grumpiness Ensues

I just realized it's Thursday whereas Tuesday is my blog day. So today is now my Tuesday.

I've been stressed this last while. Too many balls in the air and I'm dropping so many that I'm struggling to keep from tripping on them. My brain seems to be deciding to walk out on me, which would explain why these last two sentences required me to edit and delete about twelve times before they resembled english. The originals more accurately reflected where I'm at- hodgepodge of nonsense. Autocorrect can't save me.

I am struggling to keep in the moment which is causing me to loose sight of many things. I can be working on one thing but I'm thinking about the dozen other things that need my attention so nothing really gets what it deserves from me. I've been using the list method, however my list grows faster than I'm crossing off items, which only freaks me out. Seems life is all about the list.

I talked to someone recently who mentioned she thought it would be beneficial if I took a holiday. Just pack up my husband and take a couple days where I have no responsibilities. I've been obsessed with the idea since then, but feel I can't just walk away from my responsibilities like that. Whatever balls I walk away from are balls someone else will need to try to pick up and juggle. I know what that feels like and can't be the cause for someone else to be in that spot.

Somehow I've managed to say a lot without saying anything.

At least I had some good feedback last night in one area. Couldn't have come at a better time, when I felt everything was circling the drain. Now to sort out the rest of my life and then take a long, long nap.