Thursday, December 7, 2017


So I've locked down my requirements for next year and I can say they look different than previous years, due to the coming changes in our lives. Nothing makes you think of your future like an imminent injection of family.

I've been struggling to reduce the intensity I do some things. I'm always trying to get intensity out of my students, and last Thursday I found myself struggling to pull back when working with Sifu Langner on a couple simple counters. Forms are a little different, I can soften them just by changing my intention but when it comes to application my intention seems to be a bit more stubborn. It's something I'll take the opportunity to work on though, as there is opportunity in all changes.

Sifu Brinker mentioned this as a chance to work on flow. I find this extremely timely as per the feedback I received a few weeks ago regarding my shoulders and the impact they have on how I move. I have to tackle this on a couple different planes- first, rehabilitate my shoulders as I should have done a long time ago. I didn't think much of it; they ache but I didn't think they were impeding my physical abilities anymore. I was mistaken. Then I'll need to retrain my body to quit compensating for them. Not to mention I'll have to retrain my body after carrying around two growing puppies (as they've been referred to, accurately I think) for nine months. During this I'll have to change my thinking and change my intentions, where I'm trying to take my training, or rather how I'm approaching my training.

I'm getting excited about this, new opportunities and new ways of looking at things. We'll have to wait and see what happens.