So, where am I in regards to my IHC? I have to admit my physical training has come to a halt. I have not picked up my sword for over a week. I haven't done a hand form rep for a few days. I know that I am limited right now but this is something that I can remedy and therefore I need to. Tai Chi and 18 Temple Motions need to become my staples or I fear I'll flake on my other commitments, those I can continue with no matter my condition. But I feel I need to let my sleeping sword lie.
Naively, I was fully determined to keep at it right up until the d-day. I felt that obviously things would become awkward and more challenging but doable none the less. Now... I'm feeling that even if I am capable there are many things that would be stupid for me to attempt. I've switched gears. I'm less ambitious and more protective than I ever have been in my life. Although I am finding many others are more protective of me than even I am. Makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside (not from the kicks to the ribs either).
Thanks for everyone's patience and understanding. I know I have a support system that many only dream of.