Wednesday, June 20, 2018


This is just going to be a quick update. Since my last post I’ve landed back in the hospital. I was only getting worse at home and when the pain became too much I went back to the er. Another day and a half of tests finally revealed that I have a massive ruptured ulcer by my dunideinum. They found it while looking for a blood clot in my liver.

Surgery that night, Tuesday. Been here since, 3 drains in my stomach, and countless more drains no one want to hear about. They actually found that he patch took but I’m not draining properly so I currently have a fever and extra pain. They’re working on rectifying that.

So please keep writing your journals everyone, they’re the only things keeping me involved in the kwoon. And please, write about your journeys- it’s my only engagement string I have left to kung fu.

Monday, June 11, 2018

Long Road. Long Post.

Hello everyone and sorry I’ve disappeared. I have been keeping up with all your blogs so thank you for writing them, they were the only things keeping me engaged in the IHC or my kung fu for that matter this last while.

Having a lot of time while sitting in a hospital bed I thought I’d catch you all up. I’ve had a less than smooth few weeks, although everything started out so promising. I had a relatively easy pregnancy considering I was carrying twins. The last month or so before delivery I began to retain water, as those of you who saw me at Pandamonium I’m sure noticed. Trust me, it got worse.

I had a non-stress test that Monday, the 28th. No biggie, they just listen to the babies heartbeats and track their movements. During that time the nurse noticed that my blood pressure was high and that coupled with my intense swelling gave her concerns. She ordered blood work from me, most of which came back fine but some of which was elevated, possible precursors to a condition called preeclampsia. We all seemed fine so we went home. Wednesday I had my last appointment with my ob/gyn. I was scheduled to be induced the following day but she asked if we would be willing to have it done a day early. So off we ran home, packed a few last minute items and bolted back to the hospital. I was induced Wednesday evening. Thursday comes, not much change except higher blood pressure and more swelling. Hardly dilated. I’m induced again. By the wee hours of Friday morning I’m in pain, I’m having contractions but I’m not dilated, my blood pressure is spiking and I’m so swollen the doctor doubts I’ll be able to deliver. So, I’m rushed to the operating room and my babies are born via c section at 7:17 and 7:19 am. We are all released happy and healthy that Sunday, June 3rd.

That evening I begin to feel nauseous. I figure it’s just due to the meds I’m on and the stresses of the last few days. Monday night I call my dad to take me to the er. I can’t keep even water down, I’m sick and in pain and worried about how I can sustain breastfeeding if I can’t retain fluids. After 6 hours waiting I have to go home, my babies are waiting and I’m feeling a bit better so I figure it was just the medication.

I get worse. Wednesday morning I again call my dad to take me to the er. Something is wrong and I’m scared. They see me much faster and after a few iv bags of fluid and some gravol I’m feeling better. Doctors send me home with orders to take gravol, an rx for blood pressure medication (it had again spiked) and the diagnosis that I had the flu.

I take the gravol and monitor my blood pressure- I’m leery to take the medication. It’s been explained to me that it works directly on the heart and I am breastfeeding after all. I begin to be able to retain some food and water and again think I’m on the mend.

Saturday comes. I feel better but when I check my blood pressure it’s at 145/98. Scary, especially since I usually have low blood pressure. I cave and take my first pill around 11am along with an antacid I was prescribed during my pregnancy.

Fast forward to about 7pm. I’m upstairs nursing Sydney. I’m just about to put her down when I’m hit with such extreme pain in my upper abdomen I almost don’t make it to her crib. I stumble downstairs to where Nick is and now the pain has spread to my chest and lower abdomen. I’ve never experienced something so painful. Nick calls 911. By the time the ambulance gets to us the pain has subsided a little and I’m able to talk to the paramedics. They hook me up with a dozen leads to take a picture of my heart- everyone suspects a heart attack including me. My heart is okay. They can’t tell me what happened but I seem better. They suspect I had a gallbladder attack, considering my history. Alas, while they’re standing there talking to me I’m hit again. I’m loaded into the ambulance and given 5 doses of morphine by the time I arrive in St. Albert, which does nothing to kill the pain.

Mom and Dad come rushing into emergency. I didn’t even know Nick had called them.

Doctors are checking vitals and pulling blood and ordering x rays, ct scans, ultrasounds. They put me on antibiotics and stronger painkillers in the meantime and after a couple rounds of that I can actually open my eyes and breathe through the pain.

I sent my mom home in the wee hours of the morning. There’s nothing to be done anyways but wait.

And that has been my life since then. In a hospital bed being my pumped full of pain medication and antibiotic cocktails while Nick takes care of two newborns by himself. Test after test indicate I have an infection in my uterus and blood clots that haven’t passed. One of the nurses here, a nice man named Blaine is constantly telling how sick I was when I came in and how far I’ve come. He was just here actually, expressing his concern again.

Well, I just got the news that I’m being released. Still on pain meds and antibiotics and blood pressure medication but at least I get to go home and see my family whom I haven’t seen for three days. Hallelujah.