I just read Mr. Dyble’s blog and he challenged us non bloggers to blog, so here it is. I’m sitting in a parking lot waiting for my mom so I have a moment. I should take advantage of these moments more often, they’ve become less frequent as of late.
I’m trying to achieve something with regards to my goals this year but none are really on track. Little bit here, little bit here. I’m sure that’s obvious by my lack of blogging. My goal of losing my baby weight is nearly complete, but I can’t attribute that to my hard work. A month in the hospital is to thank for that. I wish I had kept up with the ukulele. I’m sure my babies would have enjoyed that. My weapon is in pieces; that one I’ll varry on into next year. Most will be carried on into next year.
Thanks for the poke Mr. Dyble. It was much needed.