Anytime I open an iPad or phone I’m finding it increasingly difficult not to feel depressed or outright anger. I am not a keyboard warrior, nor do I feel the need to argue with individuals with beliefs different from my own. However, lately I’ve been thinking about the effects my silence has. Added to that, what would be the effects be if I broke the silence?
It seems to me that the immediate availability of information has had effects no one saw coming; the belief that people can obtain knowledge without the need for education. And to some extent this is true; I can gain the knowledge that the sky is blue without having to be educated on the physics behind the phenomenon.
Problem being, this access to instant information does not require any sort of understanding. It is perpetuating beliefs that are inaccurate. I can come across and article or YouTube video where someone, anyone, could give evidence to the argument that the sky is not blue. They can claim to be anyone they so choose. It can sound convincing, especially with my limited knowledge in the area. And I can decide to believe it. And I may, depending on what I perceive and what I want to believe. If it runs along the same vein as my already established ideas, I probably will.
Deeper still, many of these ideas have some amount of basis in fact. It is true, there are times when the sky can appear to be pink or purple or orange or black. Does that therefore prove that it is not blue? Of course not. But with my limited education it would seem as irrefutable proof.
It seems to me that the current issues we face are being clouded by layers upon layers of personal opinions, stacked on inaccuracies and fear.
I stay silent when I see posts or videos by loved ones or friends that, to me, are examples of misguided ideas. I don’t want to stir the pot. But, is this wise or is this allowing for the perpetuation of these ideas? People surround themselves with like minded individuals, so if no one in my circle ever challenges my beliefs, how do I ever evolve?
On the other hand, if I speak up it very well might have the opposite effect I hope for. They could dig their heels in deeper, label me as a snowflake or sheep, write me off and any future chance I may have to have this conversation with them.
So what is the answer? I would say education, but I’m beginning to question if that is enough.