Tuesday, June 15, 2021

My Favourite Spot

 My gut reaction was my bed. Because sleep is like a friend I can never see enough of. We’re in the twitter-pated stage always, infatuated with each other on a constant basis. 

Second to this would be my side yard. I specify that because the front yard has gone to the dogs (literally). But my side yard has gone from junk yard (again, literally) full of engine and car pieces to a green gardeny bliss.

Post 2 minutes- thanks ladies for these challenges!! Makes one realize how easy it actually is to find something to write about.

Monday, June 14, 2021

My Bucket List

 I’ve never formally created a bucket list in the past, but I did always have want to’s and should do’s. Now, my would be bucket list had definitely evolved from things that would be exciting or interesting to things that influence or improve. Maturity? I don’t know. Being responsible for little humans definitely has something to do with it. Can I define it? I’m currently trying. Strange to say, just this morning, before I read Ms. Ferris’s post, I was thinking about this exact thing. How weird is that. Coincidence? I don’t know…