Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Little Things

I'm finding it very difficult to document all of my Acts of Kindness throughout the day. For one, I have realized I can hardly remember the details of my day. I have noticed that when I do the 'breathe in, breathe out' routine, I remember very specifically where I am and what I am doing. I need to find a way to keep that kind of focus throughout the day.

Number two, I have noticed I have a tendency to forget the little things. I know I've had this habit for a very long time, and I think its my brain being in study gear. I sort through my 'school files' throughout the day, and disregard, for lack of a better word, things that won't affect me later. Another bad habit I need to break.

This is not meant to be another negative post. So, I'm going to focus on the positive. People smile alot when you surprise them. And, they smile back when you smile at them. Try it. Next time you are sitting at a red light and glance beside you, flash your pearlys. I know this doesn't qualify as an act of kindness, but it has the same result. People walk away from it feeling better about their day. Isn't that part of it?

Also, people love their coffee. Me included. Buy a grumpy person a coffee (or tea, or whatever) and they forget why they are grumpy. I've made this a habit (finally, a good one!) and even my days get better. Expecially on cold days.

I now have a confession. I don't really know how many Acts of Kindness I've done. I know when I make a consious effort, I can usually think of four or five a day. So, I think if I pull my socks up and document everything properly, I'll surpass my goal.

So, now an update.
Since October 2:
Push-ups: 2195
Sit-ups: 2570
Miles: 27.9
Forms- 18.5 reps

Yeah, I still have catch-up to do. Thats the point of this blog, right? To stay accountable?


Danielle Edge said...

How do you do .5 reps of a form??? I don't think that one counts, but good try. lol. Keep at it!

Sifu Robyn Kichko said...

Maybe a small notebook to write down your acts of kindness throughout the day? Just a thought.
Sihing Kichko

Adam Schermbrucker said...

where did you get the half of a form? did you stop in the middle, and finish later?