I'm reminded of a video Sifu Brinker had posted, where a guy went around the world and just got people to dance. My heartstrings were a humming when I watched it. I wanted to be apart of it. And now, we have something very similar occurring on our doorsteps. We shouldn't be trying to shut him down, or fine him, or run him out of town. If we really wanted to make the most out of this life, and make an impact for the better, we should be joining him. How often do you see an individual who honestly does not care if others think he's odd? How often do you meet someone who does things just because it makes them feel better, who actually stops to do something that makes them feel better? How often do you see someone who through his actions can reach so many people, and potentially make the angry man behind the wheel relax and smile? Who knows, maybe instead of "potentially causing" accidents, Dancing Dan may be preventing them by helping put a cap on anger.
You dance, kid. You dance.
1 comment:
'You dance' is right. I've been a fan of Dan for years - I have also blogged about him before.
It erks me (actually it something-else's me) that they can fine a guy for dancing on a street corner but its OK that there is a MEGA-JUMBO-SUPER-SCREEN at the corner of Groat Rd and 111ave playing commercials for passing drivers. I guess thats not a hazad because it's in the name of capatalism, a couple casualties there is just collateral damage for the good of the system.
Go Dan -
Sifu Prince
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