Its great to see people come out and lend a hand. Last week was the annual reno's at the kwoon, and I have to say the place looks good. Its understandable, with school starting and the long weekend, that we might have been running lean. However, echoing Sifu T. Playter, we were lacking volunteers, and missed some from those who signed up. I left work one day to help Sifu Playter, since no one who was signed up showed up. One night I had help from two who were scheduled and from two who were not (thanks guys). Please note- this is not for anyone who let us know beforehand that they could not make the scheduled times. Thank you for letting us know.
Leaving on a good note- to everyone who helped, you guys were amazing. Sifu Brinker was right on the mark when he said that though the crew was small, they were incredible. And the enthusiasm! It didn't seem to matter when I gave you guys horrid little jobs like scraping the paint from the mirrors and windows, scrubbing the baseboards with a toothbrush or edging the ceiling- you guys still made me smile with your attitudes.
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