Thursday, February 10, 2011

I Dub This Post Short

Congratulations to all the promotion recipients!

I'm confused as to where my UBBT is at. I'm training more than ever, 6 days a week in a formal setting, in addition to the at home training. I find myself strategizing in an attempt to bring my numbers up. I'm wishing for one full day with no one around and nothing to do but Mlong Kuen and push ups. I feel happy with my progress in my forms, but then I look at my numbers and feel a twinge of despair.

Hmph. I'm going to go do a couple reps of Mlong Kuen in the back shop.

1 comment:

Sifu Robyn Kichko said...

Keep working and the numbers will take care of themselves. Last year, I was struggling in the same way, it felt like my numbers would never improve! Once I started focusing on my form, figuring out what was wrong and how to improve it, suddenly my numbers exceeded my goal and my form began to improve beyond my wildest dreams.