Monday, June 13, 2011


What is your motivation? Why are you here? What is it that causes you to show up to class, day after day, month after month, year after year?

Not everyone has the same wheel driving us. Sometimes, this wheel changes. Personally, I think we need to know what it is that motivates us, what could motivate us, and what we need to motivate us. I know what motivated me when I was 16 no longer applies, and what I use as motivation now never even occurred to me then. This is not necessarily bad, we all change with time as does our thought processes, our personality and of course, our motives.

Additionally, not all of us know truly what it is that motivates us. Or alternatively, what does motivate us may not be working as well as we would like. Maybe, we are not motivated at all, or we are extremely motivated and progressing great. Perhaps its

So, what is it? Do you want to increase your independence, or maybe your conditioning? Maybe its a way to become a strong role model for a child, or maybe your ego is whats driving you?

Now, how far will that motivation get you? Because its true, some motives make it further than others. Some will get you to blue or brown, some to black, others will be endless. Again, keeping in mind things change with time. By the time you get to blue or brown, something can change and all of a sudden you are capable of anything, in regards to your motivation.

The key is to recognize where it is you stand. I've seen a lot, been through a lot, where I can't help but gain motivation or lose motivation, put in a rut or maybe I put myself there, and then I find myself crawling out. Regardless, know where you are at and you will better understand how to get to where you want to go.

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