Thursday, September 8, 2011

Or an Astronaut...

I am still in process of deciding what I want to be when I grow up. The problem is, now that I'm older I can't just say "I want to be a fire truck!" without first thinking it through, what education do I need to become a fire truck, where would I work as a fire truck, do I need to move as a fire truck, oh, wait, I'm human, not a truck.

I can list several disciplines that I'm interested in, but the problem is, am I willing to do what is required to follow through? If I need to move across the country, am I willing to? If I need to take night courses, sell my car, quad, holiday trailer to pay for tuition, will I? Am I willing to take 2 steps back before I can take one forward?

Despite being made of organic materials, I think being a fire truck would have been simpler and easier.

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