A common topic with martial artists is recent injuries, and how they are helping or hindering. I haven't had any recent serious injuries, but listening to Sifu Stoddart on Saturday talk about chronic pain due to her sciatic nerve rang a bell with me. I don't have the same problem, but I do have chronic back pain, neck pain & shoulder pain. I don't know why. Or rather, I can't identify a specific incident or injury that caused it. I think its the result of use and abuse over the years, all my own fault.
It doesn't normally interfere, but it does drive me crazy. People have made comments on how often I grunt or groan when I bend over or pick up something, put on my jacket, sit for too long. I'm finally noticing how often I say "my back hurts". Right now, my back and shoulders ache. Not so much that I can't go about my day, but enough that I want it gone.
Thinking about it, I'm realizing that it does interfere. I'm reluctant to go hard when completing the jumps in Mlong Kuen & spear. I try to just suck it up and do it anyways, but the jar at the end usually keeps me from doing too many in a night. It makes it harder to want to do my push-ups, cuz that just wreaks havoc on my back and shoulders. Sit-ups don't hurt until the next day. Then my back tightens up like crazy.
Sadly, I can't blame a car accident or such. It's all me, failing to take care of my body before it was too late. My mom can say "I told you so" a thousand times over.
Moral of the story- don't be stupid. I was, and I'm regretting it. I imagine I'll regret it for the rest of my days. I did get a contact from a friend for a great chiropractor and a doctor, and I intend on making an appointment with both. I was stupid and got myself in this mess. I need to be smart and seek out someone who can make it better.
After that, I'll consider finding out what I did to my foot three weeks ago in class. Still hurts. And my knees, which crackle and pop more than the cereal. Oh, and try to identify the random pain I get in my ribs on occasion. And the itchy, numb lump I get in the same place on my forehead every couple months...
Wow, I've been dumb.
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