I've been a part of Silent River Kung Fu for the vast majority of my life. I've seen how it can change people, or alternatively how some people choose to walk away. Recently, being a part of the UBBT and now the I Ho Chuan, I have seen this first aspect of Kung fu amplified huge, and I see it every day in the people around me.
I know we've been struggling individually and as a team. Sifu Brinker has developed so many ways for us to succeed, and yet some of us, myself whole heartedly included, continue to struggle with things that should become as easy as breathing. And every time this happens, Sifu Brinker works his butt off to help us, and still ends up pulling out his hair (well, you know what I mean).
So, to Sifu Brinker I say this- you are an extraordinary man who has encouraged, inspired, motivated and changed countless of us into better people than we would have been without you. I am truly sorry that we (me) let you down, but I can also say that despite what you may think, it is NOT your fault. As I mentioned, we are all better people because of you. There's a saying about a horse and water that fits right here. You seem to have found yourself a lovely group of stubborn and silly horses.
And now, to my fellow team members and to every single member of SRKF, and to every other person who happens to stumble across this particular blog- what are we waiting for? Why do we continue to struggle with things we know are obtainable, beneficial and extremely important in our own success? So, get on with it! I challenge all of you to end this year the way it should be ended and to show Sifu Brinker that he has achieved what he is trying to achieve with us. I will not let him think that he has somehow let us down. And I do not want any of you ever again considering letting him down! Because that is exactly what we do every time we skip our push ups, miss a class or figure later is a better time. We let him and ourselves down. No more. Not an option. Got it?
How could I not read your blog with a title like that?
Yup, that's why I choose it!
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