Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Demo 1.0

I think this is the time to explain my theory behind the demo. Those of you on the demo you've heard it already, but for the rest, this is what I'm trying to do.

I want to primarily take the responsibility off of Sifu Brinker and Sifu Playter. It's not their responsibility, its ours. We need to be up to snuff and prepared. That's our problem, if we want to participate in demos and possibly grade.

I want to give everyone the opportunity to be in a demo. This was a chance- be at the practices and you're in. I can't say whether everyone in the demo is where they need to be, but this is the opportunity to get there and to show Sifu Brinker and Sifu Playter that we are. If we're not, then its an opportunity for further practice and feedback.

As for the song I choose and the time restrictions I've placed on everyone- Sifu Brinker has a theory that fast paced, chaotic music will hide our imperfections. And it does. But, I don't want us to be pretty good, I want us to be amazingly awesome to the point that we can do a demo with no music. Yes, its a high standard, but we are supposed to set a high standard. The quick on-and-off way I've arranged it should show our organization and showcase our best. Sifu Brinker and Sifu Playter shouldn't need a 20 minute demonstration to be able to gauge if we're ready. If we're ready, it'll be obvious. If we're not, that too will be obvious. Therefore, we need to make absolutely sure we're ready. If our forms were ready, then putting them together in this fashion should be easy.

As I mentioned, anyone who wanted in is in. I am not one to judge, I'm your peer. I just created an opportunity for people to show that they are ready and we can do this.

1 comment:

Brian Chervenka said...

Sifu thanks for setting up this awesome demo, it totally kicks ass and the powers that be seemed impressed. Good job and I'm proud to be part of this creation!