Monday, October 1, 2012

But I don't Feel Less Wise...

I have to start by apologizing for being mia this last week. Things just came to a grinding halt for me, and it was more because of lack of planning than anything. I never had a fallout plan for if things went bad when I got my wisdom teeth removed, and of course Murfys law had to step in.

But I'm not mia anymore. I'm back. In spirit, anyways. And with all this downtime I've managed to pick a new demo song, came up with a couple ideas to improve the existing demo and came to realize the awesomeness of family, both the related and the kwoon versions.

Public thank you to my ma for all the soup she's made over the last week. Thank you to my pa for playing chauffeur. Thank you to my hubby for the sympathetic shoulder.

And thanks to all you guys for picking up the ball, both in my Onoway classes and in my various commitments in Stony. Hugs all around.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sifu: been there, done that, couldn't eat solids for over a month when I had my wisdom teeth out so no need to apologize for mia. In fact, if you had showed up, probably one of us would have packed you up and taken you home for rest. Miss you, but more importantly take special care of yourself so you heal properly.