Monday, December 3, 2012


I took this last weekend for myself. I didn't do anything I didn't want to do, I didn't stress about the things I had to do, and I didn't feel guilty when I decided to sit down and read a book. Literally, one full book. Haven't done that in a while. I'm always worried that if I took a weekend like this, I'd fall further behind or I'd feel guilty. But I feel better now. I cranked Frank Sinatra and finished the insulation in our dining room. I then cranked some classical and cleaned the bathroom and actually had fun doing it (weird). I then cranked some Muse and Aerosmith and did laundry.

I practiced because I wanted to, not because I had to. I feel better about Lao Gar because I think I have my fixes in place. My ma came over and we helped each other with Tai Chi; I guided her through the beginning of Part I and I went through the whole thing, saying the moves as I did them and she followed the sheets to make sure I was right. We've been doing this at least once a week for the last while, and I like finally having someone at home who can help me, and who's interested. We sat, drank coffee, watched my bird outwit the dog and set up my cats' new tower-of-awesome scratch post (Costco special!).

There are things going on in my life that I'm not fond of, at work, in my training and in my personal life. But right now, I don't care. I'm happy, the day is beautiful and my iPod is cranked again, sitting beside me on my desk, as I type this. Frank is singing "The Best is Yet to Come"- I think he's right!

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