Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The Benefits of Pajamas

We're in crunch time. That's about the only thing on my mind now, crunch time for me, for the I Ho Chuan, for the candidates and for the tournament. Every moment I have away from work will be spent training (minus Sundays- thats laundry day), and it still doesn't seem like enough time to do everything that needs to be done. My poor house needs a good once over, but that will probably not happen until the end of February.

Nick and I spent yesterday doing nothing. We had a Pirates of the Caribbean marathon, ate soup and thats about it. One intermission for me when I went to the kwoon to meet with a few others. I took full advantage and otherwise never changed out of my jammy pants. We won't have the chance to be that lazy for a very long time.

Sifu Brinker- Answer: 40km/h. I did my research!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Aren't staycations great!!