Monday, June 17, 2013

Two Weeks

It feels like we're hitting that half-way-through wall, which isn't unexpected but is still frustrating. It's time we all think about what we are a part of, why we joined the I Ho Chuan, what we want out of it and what was expected when we joined up. A big, team wide breath in, breath out. Refocus. Find that groove we need and get out of that rut. As Sifu Brinker mentioned, July 1st was always a date we were aware of. Its too bad we're not further ahead than we are, but that doesn't mean we can't be where we need to be by then. We have two weeks. Two weeks where the team as a whole has to push hard. Two weeks where we all need to be 100% committed.

The ultimate plan is to reduce the number of practices we need- ideally, dragon dance practice on Thursdays and demo practices Fridays during class. Thats it. But this is utterly dependent on each member training wholeheartedly on their own, and having this dragon dance together and great by July 1. If we pull this off, then we can reduce practices to once a week- maintain the dance thats been developed and work on new moves to incorporate in the future. Regarding the demo, if everyone is practicing and progressing on their own, then Fridays should be more than enough to put a demo together.

I know we're all getting tired, and missing our families and homes. I'm not immune to this, as some people think. I'm away from my home from seven in the morning to usually nine, ten, eleven at night, five days a week. Saturdays have been busy as well, as many of you know. My husband made a comment about maybe we can get together for Christmas- as I mentioned, I'm not immune to this schedule either. And thats why we have to push so hard these next two weeks. Two weeks, and we'll have it made. Two weeks, and maybe I can spend an evening with my husband. But, it depends on the team being committed these next two weeks.

I made this commitment knowing it could be like this, and planning on seeing it through to the end.

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