Tuesday, October 8, 2013

To All of You- a) blog and b) thank you!

This last week has really put the importance and the benefits of blogging into perspective. If you're struggling, blog. If you're in a rut, blog. If you're going through tough times, blog. If you don't think you have anything constructive to say, blog. It's the best advice I can give to anyone in the I Ho Chuan.

When I wrote my last post, it felt like a giant bomb had gone off. Oh wait, it still feels like that. But, unknowingly at the time, when I was writing I was doing the best thing I could have done for myself. Not only did it allow me to straighten things out in my brain, but the comments I received did wonders to put things back into perspective. The support structure we provide for each other is massive, and you guys had my back when I needed it. Even when I didn't know I needed it. And I did, and you guys were there. Thank you all so much for that.

So, as I mentioned, blog for heavens sake. Especially if you haven't blogged for a while or you're up for a promotion or you're feeling a bit frazzled or even if everything is exactly where you want it to be. Just blog. It's like breathing- you may not think about it but believe me, you need to do it.

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