Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Mischief Managed

Let there be no doubt as to the importance of practice and the basics. One gross miscalculation on my part has left me feeling like a toddler, phoning my mommy because I'm stuck with a t-shirt half way over my head and asking her to please put my hair into a ponytail.

I have never hidden the fact that I suck at right handed shoulder rolls. Or that I dislike flying techniques. Well, now I feel the urge to practice them on a daily basis, but alas I cannot. Not for a good 6 weeks, and I bet I'll be a scared wimp the next time I try.

Moral of the story- practice your basics people! I don't care if you don't like doing such and such, they exist for a good reason. Otherwise you'll be asking your spouse to open your pill bottles and your mother to please feed me, I can't even butter my toast!

1 comment:

Tania Brinker said...

Sorry to hear about this Sifu! We will help you out as much as we can, and I am pretty good at ponytails.