Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Blame Jim. All Jim's Fault.

New years is a mixed blessing in my opinion. It really reiterates how fast time moves and how fast time can get away from you. It shows you how close those looming deadlines and endlines and newlines are. But it also gives you the feeling of new beginnings and new opportunities. Which I find ironic- it's not like those opportunities did not exist the day before.

It is so easy to push off things until tomorrow. So easy to think about how busy you already are. But this morning, as I was making my first cup of joe, I was thinking about this and realized something- despite how busy I am or how rushed or if I need to be somewhere soon I make the time to make my coffee. Key words being make the time. I did not have the time as I had slept in, my kitty and I were too cozy. I blame him, I didn't want to disturb him. And yet, I managed to not only make my coffee but also feed the dogs, brush my teeth, warm up the car.

It is so easy to make time. So why is it so hard?

1 comment:

Jeff Brinker said...

Nicely said. Simple but we convince ourselves that this is not the case. It all comes down to passion and priorities.