Monday, February 16, 2015

The Sweet Taste of Dust...

This has been a long, rough year, one that I am happy to see over. Of course there were highs along the way, but you tend to overlook them in light of the negative. It's a fault to do so, but it happens none the less.

The one thing I have learned this year is the influence of attitude is everything. It shades everything that happens; it can either leave you jaded or give you rose coloured glasses. A change in attitude can change your perspective. And perspective is everything.

It's easy to see in others- I see students that are held back by nothing than their own attitude and students excel because of their attitude. I know people who are happy and content despite bad things that happen to them. I see people with beautiful families, who are surrounded by loving people who do nothing but complain. It's easy to see, even easier to make judgement, but it is hard to see it in yourself and even harder to change it when you do.

Several situations in my life have been a challenge. I've been encouraged to have a positive attitude, think positive, be positive. For the most part I succeed, but there have been times where I would break. Thankfully, I have the tools and ability now to recognize the folly in this and the strength to pick my butt up out of the dust and trudge on. I may not have met many of my goals, I may have stumbled too many times to count, but the fact that I'm still moving forward is testament to the power of a good attitude adjustment. Without this lesson I don't know where I'd be, I just I know I wouldn't be where I am. Probably face down in the dust somewhere.

Recognize your attitude, good or bad, and recognize its ability to make or destroy. No one can change it but yourself.

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