Monday, May 25, 2015

Greetings from a Campsite

I'm currently sitting in the middle of a bush surrounded by my dogs and mosquitos and I'm still thinking about the Pandamonium. So many people who pulled together to see it succeed, spending their day cooking or doing forms or, like Ms.Gibbons, sitting in the shade enjoying the festivities.

I never regret taking the time off to come up here with our friends but I find myself wondering how the buzz in the Kwoon feels right now. Is everyone still pumped? Does it feel great? I know events like the Pandamonium can act like a kick start so I'm curious as to the awesome things that might be happening.


Jeff Brinker said...

From my perspective, the event has really inspired me. I appreciated how so many students pulled behind the events. Some, like yourself, went to extraordinary means to help make it a success. Thank you.

Lindsay Gibbons said...

I definitely had a pretty sweet deal going on. :)
Hope you're having fun!