Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Making Progress. ? .

So hows my training going? Been practicing my forms but I'm still not happy with them. The broadsword is the slowest to progress, it seems to me. Probably because I practice it the least out of the three. Weird.

I'm enjoying my tai chi more than I usually do. I remember writing a blog years ago about how I loathed it- so much to remember, so much to pay attention to. Thats definitely changed, I enjoy minding the details and I feel good when I'm doing it.

Pushups are coming along, shoulder is stronger and bothers me less. Although the last few days I've noticed my right shoulder is the one bothering me. My last good joint. Bummer. Sit ups have never been a problem for me, I've always been strong with them even back in junior high when our grade depended on them. I hated the sprints though- I'm not a fast runner. Never was. And I can remember to this day the annoying BEEP which meant turn around and go back. They could have at least picked a different tone that didn't grate on the nerves so much.

As for the rest- I'm walking more and more, strolling with the dogs through the bush as much as I can before the s**w hits. But no, not tracking it, so yes, I'm failing that. Personal goals- I want to start recording forms soon. I wanted to start recording them months ago but this year has proven to be one huge derailment. 2016 is a stupid number anyways. I just need to figure out how and where so that its more than just a clip on my phone. Gardening project- phase one bit the dust due to a lovely buried power line. Phase 2 and 3- we'll have to see, but not this year for sure. The rest of my goals are not progressing as I had hoped and not for lack of trying. One big derailment and many dejected moments.

Doesn't sound promising when I write it out like this.

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