Friday, November 4, 2016


Empathy is a tough concept. There are times that no matter what I can't empathize with a person or a way of thinking, which makes it hard to have any kind of meaningful dialogue. The other side of the fence is just too... much.

I was sitting around a fire recently with a couple friends I've known since the diaper phase. Listening to one of them complain about the current government and state of the economy and then in the next breath talk about how much money the company he works for waste. Or how much resources are wasted. The bonus's the management gets and the contracts that are signed. The ways the company "save money" by burying or burning dangerous waste illegally. That time when they were supposed to call Fish & Wildlife about an endangered species but they didn't, it would have meant down time. He laughs, I cringe. Then I get mad. I'm labeled as a hippy, left winged idealist with no common sense and no idea of "realistic" expectations. From a guy who wears a pair of socks for one day and then throws them out because he likes "that new sock feeling" and can afford to buy 365 pairs a year. But complains about job loss. And I'm raked over the coals for supporting carbon tax.

Makes me feel very alone living in Alberta today. All the while seeing nothing but "Alberta Wide Rally Nov. 5th" and "Tell Trudeau Alta Matters" alongside "15 Celebrity Fails" shared and tweeted and instagrammed from the smartphones in these peoples hands. We are a rich province in a rich nation. Which, to me anyways, only increases our need to be more accountable, more responsible.

Dude, don't complain to me when you have no fresh water, no clean air, no farmable land and no wildlife. Blame yourself and your 365 pairs of socks.

Oh, and he's Trump supporter. Go figure.

1 comment:

Lindsay Gibbons said...

I hear you. It is really hard to not high five people in the face with a chair sometimes. I heard someone say one time, if you don't think the environment matters, try counting your money without breathing. I don't understand the mentality of some people.