Saturday, January 14, 2017

Kids, Cats & Coattails

So once again, I've been thinking about what this past year has held for me. Although many of my goals were not met I feel that there are areas that I have grown, outside the I Ho Chuan but not necessarily separate from it. I have been focused on becoming a better instructor, especially since I became responsible for the kids. Teaching kids and teaching adults are so not the same thing. Adults you can set a task to and know they will work it out for themselves. Kids need so much more guidance, attention and inspiration. However, they seem to soak in every word when you do have their attention and focus.

I've always loved to read, but I've always been partial to reading material that wasn't necessarily beneficial in any way. Entertainment value, perhaps a life lesson thrown in in the end. Fiction. Recently I decided to make better use of the time I spend with my nose in a book and read something of significance. Something that will help me with my teaching and my understanding of the curriculum values. And so, I've been reading a book about bullying. Surprisingly, I'm more enthralled by it than the novel I was previously reading. It seems to be one of those topics that you think you understand but when the obvious is spelt out for you it gains a life of its own. I've always wanted reach the kids I teach in a meaningful way but didn't realize that I severely lacked the many of the tools.

Next up is a book on diabetes. And although it seems to promise to be less gripping, I don't doubt that it will be a beneficial read.

On a different note, I've been watching the lion dance videos Mr. Helm posted (thanks!) and I can sure tell who is the new kid out there (me). I need to remember the pointers Sifu Lindstrom has given me while at the same time remember where I'm supposed to be, where I'm not supposed to be and what I'm supposed to be doing. The more familiar I get with the dance the more comfortable I'm getting which will allow me to focus on the details. At least I now know you can't see my moments of panic an confusion as badly as I thought. Oh they're there, but not quite as blatant as I feared. One small victory?

I'm happy to be sharing this road with all of you. It doesn't feel like the year should be over yet, I'm just getting my feet back under me. I know I've ridden the coattails of many of you this year and I thank you for dragging me along until I finally rolled off and started walking on my own again.

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