Thursday, February 23, 2017

Pink Shirt Day

Today is Pink Shirt Day. I mentioned in an earlier post that I've been reading up of the topic of bullying, and I wanted to share a few things I've learned.

First, there is a difference between conflict and bullying. And, like most things, its all to do with intentions. Conflicts are a natural and needed part of our lives, teaches us social skills, has the ability to strengthen relationships. It is a disagreement, a clash. With bullying there is contempt, malice and always an imbalance; there is no mutual respect, one individual is made to feel lesser than another.

There are four ways of bullying- one time, continual and repeated, hazing and cyber. There are three means of these four ways- verbal, physical and social. These four ways can also be horizontal (peers) or vertical (in your care or above you).

Taunting is a type of bullying- harm is intended. Teasing is not bullying- the intention is lighthearted, and stops if things become hurtful.

I've also learned there are a lot of terms, all of which are important when trying to distinguish when a child is being bullied. Knowing the terms helps me to understand the signs and differences, helps me to identify when that line is being crossed.

It happens at all ages and can happen anywhere. In the classroom or play yard, the work place or in families. It's about power and control and it has to stop.

There's a whole book full of things I have learned I can list here but the point is that education, as always, is the key.


Jeff Brinker said...

Excellent and informative post.

Michele Ward said...

Yes education is definitely needed, starting from a very young age and continuing throughout the school years. I feel that the biggest issue especially with children is acceptance. We all need to learn to embrace and accept each others differences. Much of the bullying in schools happens when a child is viewed as different from what is currently considered the norm. Someone who doesn't walk, talk, dress or look, etc is usually bullied. Acceptance and kindness would go a long way.

Kevin Lindstrom said...

Definitely an important issue that we all need to be aware of and try to eliminate.