Monday, April 17, 2017

Limitations of Anger

Lately I've been pondering and delving into self reflection, something I don't take time to do as I've always felt confidence enough to know who I am and to admit my faults or attributes. However, events have forced me to come to terms with several aspect in my life that I had previously thought I had under control.

Wich is funny, as one of those areas specifically is coming to terms with a situation that is out of my control. Everyone has heard it before, the only thing in life you can control is yourself. If someone has power over you it is because you give them that power. I've experienced this before and can attest first hand to the validity of this statement. However, there are issues in my life that cause me stress, I loose sleep over, I get angry over and, generally speaking, make me feel like I'm going crazy. I have no control over some things, but the knowledge does nothing to lessen their impact on me and my life. To the point where I have had to seek help.

I've always admitted that I have a temper. Long fuse, big bang. It's something I've been told numerous times and something that I have accepted as truth. However, I had a major monkey wrench thrown at me when someone said to me that maybe I don't have a temper, I just have good reasons to be angry. I couldn't help but stare at her for a minute. Whether or not she was right she blew a door wide open for me. I can liken it to telling yourself I can't vs. I can't yet. One slams a door in your face. The other opens them.

It makes me wonder how many other doors I've closed for myself. Or how many doors I've let others close for me.

It's the power of your words and thoughts. We teach always strive for mastery, always try to be better today than your were yesterday. My approach on things that anger me has changed, as though I am no longer limited in my reactions- not limited to becoming angry because I have a temper. I'm learning that first you have to make sure your environment, attitude and thoughts are supporting your goals. What you tell yourself will be the truth. What others perceive will be their truth. We have to ensure that we are not limiting ourselves before we even leave the gate.

The only thing in life you can control is yourself. Your thoughts and actions, your reactions and your perspective. You need to be truthful to yourself before you can hear the lessons around you.

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