Thursday, November 9, 2017


Reviewing my personal goals, I have to say that although I've made progress on them all I will not meet them. However, I'm happy to say this year was a year when I finally hit some of my old goals from years past, bigger projects and undertakings. So, I guess I'm a few years behind but on the way?

There was one goal this year that I call a success, although the numbers do not support that conclusion. I wanted to regain control over an out of control situation and originally thought meditation would be the answer and therefore I set a requirement. The number of minutes I've accumulated are minimal, however through other means I've regained the control I sought. This I'd see as a victory. And I believe that now more so than before meditation would be beneficial, a way to maintain what I have gained. As such, I'm not dropping the requirement but renewing my dedication to it.

It saddens me that I did not dedicate myself more to my personal goals. They were goals that meant something to me but seemed insignificant when compared to everything else. Yes, I still have time, but I know I won't meet them in totality. I just want to be further ahead at the end of the year than I am right now.

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