I’ve been trying to jot down blog topics as they occur to me, however it seems that when I get back to them and want to write something the moment is gone and the topics, although I remember them, have lost their clarity for me. So several failed attempts there.
I’m in a rut with most of my requirements. I feel like I’ve hit a plateau regarding my personal ones specifically. I’ve made several substantial changes while striving for zero waste; a few examples being changing where and how I shop, using unpackaged soaps and shampoos, and using a safety razor (not for the faint of heart). Biggest by far is adopting the minimalistic lifestyle. Although I am miles away from my ideal, I can proudly say my wardrobe has been reduced to an approximately three foot section in our closet. I’ve let go of over half of my kitchen ware. I even carved down my stockpile of blankets (now you know, I have a thing for blankets).
Despite this, progress feels like its ground to a halt. I struggle to convey my desire to my husband and family, and although they are all supportive, if you don’t understand you won’t think twice about purchases and the like.
On a good note, Nick has been selling some of his tools on Kijiji. I never thought he’d part with anything, but he said my purging rubbed off on him. So yay. At least I know I made an impression on one person.
Regardless, I look around my home and still see a mass of plastic. I look in my pantry and see packages next to glass jars. I look at my recycle bins, full and overflowing. I look at my garbage- never empty.
I have to say, this society does not make doing the right thing easy. If you say “no straw please” you get odd looks. Try to buy a cucumber without packaging. Try to convince others that less is more and empty space in your home is what you desire.
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