Saturday, December 12, 2020

State of Being, Part I

It has been mentioned that an individual goes through significant changes throughout different times in their Kung Fu career, the most significant being at the rank of black. What is this change? 

Simple. An individual goes from wanting a black belt to being a black belt . 

This is a shift in perception. What is a black belt? A piece of cloth sewn together. Or an individual who lives their lives differently than the norm. Same question, different perception regarding the answer.

So what is it about being a black belt? It’s not about possession. Sure, the belt that I received during my promotion holds some amount of sentimental value; it signifies the journey I made, the blood, sweat and tears I shed, so to speak. If that belt were lost then I would no longer have a black belt. However, if that belt were to be lost to me that would not change the fact that I am a black belt. 

What if I were to ask you what is a black belt? Your answer may be something along the lines of the rank I’m striving for. The answer should be who I want to be. In time, hopefully the answer becomes who I am. 

Now I ask you, do you want to be a black belt? Define for yourself the qualities you value in black belts. Make a list. Physical abilities? Sure, but you’re limiting yourself greatly. Think internal virtues. 

Then, start living with those qualities yourself. 

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