Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Be a "Lucky" Person

Constriction and hindrance can only influence you if you allow them to. So many people would argue with me on this, but stop and think honestly for a moment. What is the last thing that 'constricted' you? Your job, your spouse, your schedule? Now, why do you define it as constriction? Because you couldn't do what you wanted, or you couldn't find the time. Are you not in control of every single decision you make, of every single move you make? Even if you have a gun to your head, you have a choice of what to do. You may not feel that way, but its true. Its whether or not you want to make the choice or take the harder road.

I was in an argument this weekend about this mentality. I feel if something isn't going well for you, or if something can use improving, then get to work. The fellow I was arguing with, I'll call him Bob, figured that why stress over anything, live your life, take what comes to you, and move on. Now, I believe this to work to a point. The no stress is good, the live your life is good. But the take what comes..? No. I disagree. I think "luck" and "fate" are created by you. There are no "lucky" and "unlucky" people, there are people who take control and improve a situation, or work for what they want, and people who just "take what comes to you".

I understand if some horrid event befalls you, such as a fatality, you may think there is nothing you can do to improve the situation. I understand mourning, I've had my share. But, I choose to believe that the worse the situation, the more opportunity to learn and improve. When you lose someone you love, don't take it as the end of the world. Instead, take it as a wake up call to make the most of the time you have with those who are left. "Bob" has taken the mentality "if I don't care about anything, nothing can hurt me anymore". I believe nothing that does not have the ability to hurt you or to fail is worth the time. Yes, I may get hurt worse, but I believe my life will be richer and fuller.

So, back to the point. If something hinders you, its because you need to look at the situation differently. If the situation cannot be changed, then create a new situation. If your spouse is constricting, work to understand why and work with them to fix it. If your schedule is too hectic, make the time you need. To do this, define what you need time for. Everyone needs time for family, friends, themselves. Daily. Everything else comes in second. Second. This includes your job, that appointment you have, that money you need to make.

Lately, several people have made comments that I firmly disagree with, not just "Bob". This is in response to said people. I will argue this until the day I die.

1 comment:

Darnell McKinley said...

Just to clarify: some things can not be changed no matter what you do... but how you react or not, to a situation is a choice.
All decisions including our emotions are created by our own choices. Indecision is still a decision... just a weak one created by someone who is constricted by fear.

Sifu McKinley