Thursday, August 13, 2009

Quote- "You're Only Eating Foods' Food Now"

So, I've been pretending to be a vegetarian since Sept 9. I say pretending because, although I respect others who choose to be vegetarian, I am not. I'm only eating like one for a while. I have to say, its gone easier than I thought (except for the first day, when Nick had to slow cook a mouthwatering roast, and the whole house smelled sooo good all day, I coulda licked the walls).

Sifu T. Beckett is helping me out. She's been giving me some really great ideas, and really, its not as hard as I thought it would be. I enjoy so many other things, I'm just revisiting foods that I haven't had for a long time like spaghetti squash, spinach, etc. Even so, I really do have a whole new respect for people who choose this lifestyle. I went to a major restaurant chain while in Vernon, B.C and from the entire menu I only had two options. Sometimes, you don't even have two. Geez, I would have thought that restaurants would have caught on to the trend and would start offering more alternatives to meat.

I'm slightly worried though. I have been abnormally tired for the last couple weeks. It seems no matter how much sleep I get, I'm still tired during the day. The hardest thing I do everyday is get out of bed. I don't know the specifics, but I'm suspecting the lack of protein may be part of the cause. I've been eating cottage cheese (yes, I actually like the stuff now) eggs and tofu often, but not as often as I would have eaten meat. I don't know. Maybe its just a coincidence.


Darnell McKinley said...
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Darnell McKinley said...

A lack of iron can cause foggy brain and sleepiness... are you getting enough beans, lentils, potato skins and asparagus in your current diet?

Khona said...

Probably not... I used to be anemic, and it still creeps up on me from time to time. Thanks for the insight!

Brandi Beckett said...

Also are you still getting the same amount of calories that you are used to? meat has denser caloric value so you need to eat more veggies and such to get the same amount of fuel....just a thought.

Danielle Edge said...

Watch your egg consumption too. Egg whites are much better for you because they don't have the bad cholesterol that the egg yolks have.

It's not that bad. You'll survive ;)