Hello again.
Hearing about the H1N1 virus is giving me flashbacks of my college years, specifically my virology class. I remember my teacher explaining what the N and the H stand for, what the numbers indicate. Mostly, I remember seeing a picture of an actual influenza virus, all blurry and elegant. I was in awe. We have developed the technology to create images of something as small as a virus, and that little virus still outsmarts our technology. He's a clever fella. I'm not saying I'm a pro-illness or whatever you'd say, but I do have a respect for virus's and what they can do. They are so simple- really just some proteins and genetic material, be it RNA or DNA. No one can even say if they are really alive. They sure act like it, in my opinion.
And then, there is the vaccine issue. To vaccinate, or not to vaccinate, that is the real question. I consider myself a scientist. I admit I am not educated in the medicinal area. I do not know every specific detail pertaining to this issue, medical or holistic or health or otherwise. However, I do know that vaccinations have helped save lives, including that of my (well, Nicks, actually) dog who had canine parvovirus as a pup. Obviously, it was lack of vaccination that caused her to catch the virus in the first place. (Side note- the parvovirus is actually very pretty).
I've heard so many theories about the new H1N1 virus, from its a hoax to it'll kill us all to its not worse than a regular flu bug. I've reserved making judgements and any kind of comment, mainly because I am not prepared to get into a heated debate with anyone. However, I do have my own opinion. And although I may not get vaccinated myself, I wholeheartedly believe vaccines are effective, and that although there is always a risk associated with them, they are more beneficial than not. The only reason I may not get vaccinated myself is because I am prone to procrastination. I haven't had a vaccine since I was in college- but I would absolutely get it if I was.
My limited science background may be limited (allow myself to introduce myself), but I imagine it is more extensive than some of those who make snap decisions about issues like this and who argue that vaccines are dangerous and all you are doing is injecting yourself with the virus (actually, the virus is rendered noninfectious prior to injection)blah blah. This is only my opinion, and feel free to disagree. I just felt like I've been quiet long enough about the subject, in an attempt to not step on toes. I'd rather my kid get mildly sick after vaccination that severely ill after infection. And really, its not that bad. The pin prick is the worst part for me, and even that is minor. Papercuts hurt worse.
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