Wednesday, October 21, 2009

This is What Happens When I don't Know What to Write

I've been staring at this computer screen for about twenty minutes now, and I still don't know what to write. When I started this journal challenge, I loved it. I think that I've tapped the well dry, though. I don't know if its because nothing exciting happens in my life, or at least anything that I'd consider submitting you to. I doubt anyone would want to hear about my wedding dress shopping nightmares.

Thats one thing. I've been having alot of vivid, sometimes disturbing dreams lately. They end up taking events in my life and twisting them brutally. I'm always anxious in my dreams now, and I end up waking up feeling anxious and down. What the hey. Why can't I dream about Vin Diesel or a trip to Hawaii, maybe with Vin Diesel. I'd even take Johnny Depp.

Maybe I'm taking my anxiety from the day into my dreams. Hm. Didn't think of that. But I didn't think I was that anxious. Maybe I handle stress badly? You'd think I would have figured that out by now, though.

I have a headache. Thats all I'm really worried about right now. Well, the only thing that I'm currently worried about that I'm going to think about right now. The rest of it can just be a dull humm of perma-worry, as usual. Perma-worry. That should be a word.

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