Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Get Well Soon, My Girl

So, I got rear-ended on Monday. It was the first accident I've been in that has involved another vehicle (backing into Nicks truck with Nicks car in Nicks driveway sooo doesn't count)(okay, quit laughing). The very first thing I did was reassure my car that she would be alright, that she'll make it through this, that I'll be there for her. Is this odd? It worked to keep my head straight, which I really needed since out of the three of us I was the only one not in the wrong and the only one who was calm. I've always felt that if I ever got into an accident, whether not I'm in the wrong or right, why get upset or mad or panicky? Its called an accident because no one meant any harm, so relax, crap happens. All in all, I had a really good day yesterday. My car has mostly survived, little visible damage (although I can't say that about the Mercedes that hit me, and got hit, ouch), the police officer that helped me with my statement was a really nice guy, the auto mechanic guy was uber friendly, and I got a free coffee at the gas station! Really, why do people assume I didn't have a good day? Its my car that had the bad day.

Lesson- relax! Things always go better if you don't get grumpy.

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