Thursday, April 29, 2010

Super Pine! (Not a Cleaner)

So, I met a blackbelt's worst nightmare last night. An unbreakable wood board. I had a parent of one of my kids come to me and ask how the kids are expected to break these boards if even he couldn't. My response was "huh?".

The board was made from super pine. It must been the superhero of the forest as light as a feather, but as dense as ironwood. Either it was a superhero, or perhaps just a very slow growing tree from up north, where they grow dense. I think it was a superhero, personally.

My hand hurts now. Two hits and my hand is black and swollen. I left dents about an eighth of an inch deep with my knuckles (at least that was a bit impressive). My fall back technique has always been an elbow, and even that didn't do it. Bugger. What was cool was you could see the pattern from my uniform in the dent left after the elbows. That was pretty nifty, I thought.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Glow-In-The-Dark Vikings

So I'm sitting here, watching an episode of Corner Gas, all about blogs. And strange, I felt like blogging. Although, I still don't know what to write about. It seems easy on the show, all about Stretch Armstrong and how impressive glow-in-the-dark objects would be to Vikings. But as amusing as it is on the show, I somehow doubt that posting about Vikings would be very beneficial to anyone.

I had a good time at class tonight. It felt like we accomplished a lot, and one of my white belts earned a stripe. We've been working on push-ups quite a bit, and its really showing. I'm not sure if the students realize how far they have come since September, but I'm telling you, you have all come a long way, and you make me proud. Its extremely humbling to see people grow, and doubly so when young kids become the leaders in the class. I love it when someone asks me a question and I can say that I had never thought about it, good question. It goes to show that there are always questions to be asked, no matter how long you've been training, how well you know a technique, or how hard you practice. You can always learn more.

Several weeks ago I sat out and just watched the black belt class. I always knew that you can learn from watching, but that night I was able to absorb so much I was amazed. It was invaluable to be able to watch how each of the black belts move differently, and how each interpreted the lesson and technique. I felt that even though I didn't do the technique once that night, that I was able to take more from the class, and as a result was able to grasp the technique better when I did finally perform it. Everyone learns differently, and the more ways you can train yourself to learn, the more beneficial each lesson can be.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Sweet Dreams (Sarcasm Intended)

I'm really starting to feel the pressure again. Its to the point where I dream of push-ups and blog posts. I've been stressing out because I've missed the last two weeks of journal entries, and last night I had a dream that I finally got a post up. I felt relief when I woke up, up to the point where I realized it was a dream and not reality. Odd how a dream can work as a reality check.

Writing these posts is a bit of a stress relief for me in so many ways. Number one, I have completed a weekly goal, which always feels good and I feel relief for the rest of the week. Number two, it makes me think about everything going on in my life, and although I may not write about most of it it still brings everything into awareness. It really is a valuable tool, albeit not necessarily my favorite one.

So hopefully I don't dream about posting tonight. I'll probably dream of push-ups though, since I have some serious catch-up to do at the moment...