So I'm sitting here, watching an episode of Corner Gas, all about blogs. And strange, I felt like blogging. Although, I still don't know what to write about. It seems easy on the show, all about Stretch Armstrong and how impressive glow-in-the-dark objects would be to Vikings. But as amusing as it is on the show, I somehow doubt that posting about Vikings would be very beneficial to anyone.
I had a good time at class tonight. It felt like we accomplished a lot, and one of my white belts earned a stripe. We've been working on push-ups quite a bit, and its really showing. I'm not sure if the students realize how far they have come since September, but I'm telling you, you have all come a long way, and you make me proud. Its extremely humbling to see people grow, and doubly so when young kids become the leaders in the class. I love it when someone asks me a question and I can say that I had never thought about it, good question. It goes to show that there are always questions to be asked, no matter how long you've been training, how well you know a technique, or how hard you practice. You can always learn more.
Several weeks ago I sat out and just watched the black belt class. I always knew that you can learn from watching, but that night I was able to absorb so much I was amazed. It was invaluable to be able to watch how each of the black belts move differently, and how each interpreted the lesson and technique. I felt that even though I didn't do the technique once that night, that I was able to take more from the class, and as a result was able to grasp the technique better when I did finally perform it. Everyone learns differently, and the more ways you can train yourself to learn, the more beneficial each lesson can be.