Thursday, April 29, 2010

Super Pine! (Not a Cleaner)

So, I met a blackbelt's worst nightmare last night. An unbreakable wood board. I had a parent of one of my kids come to me and ask how the kids are expected to break these boards if even he couldn't. My response was "huh?".

The board was made from super pine. It must been the superhero of the forest as light as a feather, but as dense as ironwood. Either it was a superhero, or perhaps just a very slow growing tree from up north, where they grow dense. I think it was a superhero, personally.

My hand hurts now. Two hits and my hand is black and swollen. I left dents about an eighth of an inch deep with my knuckles (at least that was a bit impressive). My fall back technique has always been an elbow, and even that didn't do it. Bugger. What was cool was you could see the pattern from my uniform in the dent left after the elbows. That was pretty nifty, I thought.

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