Monday, April 12, 2010

Sweet Dreams (Sarcasm Intended)

I'm really starting to feel the pressure again. Its to the point where I dream of push-ups and blog posts. I've been stressing out because I've missed the last two weeks of journal entries, and last night I had a dream that I finally got a post up. I felt relief when I woke up, up to the point where I realized it was a dream and not reality. Odd how a dream can work as a reality check.

Writing these posts is a bit of a stress relief for me in so many ways. Number one, I have completed a weekly goal, which always feels good and I feel relief for the rest of the week. Number two, it makes me think about everything going on in my life, and although I may not write about most of it it still brings everything into awareness. It really is a valuable tool, albeit not necessarily my favorite one.

So hopefully I don't dream about posting tonight. I'll probably dream of push-ups though, since I have some serious catch-up to do at the moment...

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