Monday, August 30, 2010

Pickled Carrots

So we're back to reality now, the wedding is over, the honeymoon is over. The trip to Banff was great- we stayed at Castle Mountain Chalets, we rented a 2011 Mustang convertible for the trip, ate pickled carrots and drank coffee on the way down. The chalet was amazing. The first morning we were there, Nick woke up and headed straight for the jacuzzi. I was surprised, Nick normally avoids pools of water like the plague. Now he wants a jacuzzi tub, so maybe this is an opportunity to push him to fix the hot tub...

The wedding was good, the weather behaved, the food was great and the bugs were nonexistent. We have an amazing, absolutely amazing group of friends, and it showed before and during the wedding. For months we've had friends offer to help, come out and trim trees, pick up stuff and run errands. The week leading up to the wedding, my maid of honor Holly did nothing but run errands for us, or accompany me on errands, or both. My mom kept saying "you know you have an army working for you?". I'd say, I know mom. She'd say "no really, you know you have an army, an army, working for you?". I'd say, yes mom, I'm aware. I though I was pretty tough, but I was a blubbering baby when it came to speeches. Holly gave an awesome speech, first one, and I believe she was four words in when I started blubbering. Then Evan toasted Nick, mentioning Nick's deceased father, and I blubbered. Then my brother welcomed Nick with some extremely warm words, and I blubbered. Then Nicks mom warmly welcomed me, and I blubbered. Then Nick and I went to say our thanks, and I blubbered and sniffled and cried. When I was thanking one friend for all her help, support and her kicks-in-my-rear, I couldn't even talk, so she started crying and ran up and we hugged. I didn't even say anything.

Oh, the wine was great too. Towards the end there was only the "lake crew" left, so we all danced like idiots to the Safety Dance, and acted like buffoons all night. Only found out later that my mom had sat on the deck and watched the whole thing, so now we can't deny our dance skills...

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