Tuesday, October 30, 2012


I never realized how much I let myself get distracted. During the demo last Saturday, I had to force myself to refocus several times, after a stray thought went through my head or when I noticed a book title painted on the wall or when I glanced at the other demo-ees and started oohong and aahing. When this happened, I noticed myself speeding up and had to consciously slow down. This tells me that I practice too fast too much, and I'm reverting to what I've taught myself to do. Bummer. But, I didn't have to improvise the last half this time! Step in the right direction at least.

Now, switching gears about 180 degrees- I just wrote and deleted a very blunt paragraph regarding the attendance, or lack there of, at the last I Ho Chuan class. It was sharp and to the point and I took it out because... well because it was sharp and to the point. So, to get to the point, where is everyone?

1 comment:

Sifu Stoddart said...

I wouldn't worry so much. As I said in my blog, and left it there, I was wondering the same thing.